Tuesday, September 1, 2009

08/31/09 - My life as a working Sommelier

End of the month! I ended August on a high note, went to a great tasting at the Gerding Theater- Yamhill/Carlton AVA wineries, and had a really nice (mellow) evening at the restaurant.

I attended the trade portion of the tasting, earlier in the day than the public event. I read a really great piece on trade tastings not too long ago: http://vindulge.typepad.com/vindulge/2009/07/zap-tasting-and-my-thoughts-on-trade-events.html {sorry, I'm not nearly as saavy at this blogging thing as I might hope, so you must [I command you] copy and paste into a new browser tab, thank you}

My feelings are very similar- I, personally, am not a buyer, but I sell an awful lot of these wines on the dining room floor, and it's important that I know what the heck is in the bottle. Having said that, there were some really standout wines showcased!

There were 24 wineries showing over 50 different bottlings. Having to work after the tasting, I had to decline a few here and there- I only tasted through 16 of the wineries. Quick shout-out to the GIII Gewurzt blend from Resonance; Soter's 05 Brut Rose; Bishop Creek's 06 Pinot and Reserve Pinot; and the 08 Pinot Gris Roots Vineyard from Roots. These were just a *few* of the standouts for me, just about everything I tasted I enjoyed for some purpose or another.

The restaurant was a little slow; I only waited on two tables for the night. Both of the tables were having a great time, out enjoying the evening, and well inclined to "dine." Both tables ended up leaving wine selection to me- pairing against 3 different dishes for each table. I went with Pinot for both- Willakenzie's 06 Kiana and Chalone Estate's 05. I know it's heresy to sell California Pinot here in Oregon, but (contrary to previous catcalls from the peanut gallery) I'm pretty evenhanded in my recommendations globally. The table that had the Chalone were all locals, and didn't need to be wowed by what we all know we have here at home. They were interested in seeing something from afar, but not too different. Oh yeah, stellar deal was offered too.

Both of those Pinots counted towards the recently begun sell-off contest between me and another server at the restaurant. Good thing too: after two nights of $0 in wine sales, those two (and him having the night off) allowed me to gain a little ground. He's still got the lead, but within striking distance with one fine bottle...

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